The Best Black Woman Week Ever

This is just about me and my life. Sometimes I am interested in entertainment, sometimes its politics. On most days, I am pretty happy. It just depends on what is going on. Drop in and see what is going on in my world and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ever Hopeful Social Worker

I just keep thinking that there needs to be something more to life than the way I am living it. Dont get me wrong, I'm not an overly depressed, chronically unhappy person or anything. But I am fabulous and it is hard to be fabulous and not live a fabulous life.

I guess what I mean is that I actually have a 9-5 in a boring city. The job itself is pretty cool. I like what I do its just that I have to do it 5 days a week. These people actually expect me to show up everyday and do work. Isnt that unbelievable! And the worst part is that I actually have to show up on a pretty frequent basis in order to get paid. I dont understand that at all.

Could you imagine what could be possible if I had been one of those people who just won that 208M (or rather 96M if they take the lump sum option). By the time my coworkers found me, I would be living in another country under another name speaking another language.

I think that is what I will dream about tonight while getting enough sleep to get up and go to work tomorrow.



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